Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Well, time has slipped away again and here I am wondering where did it go? I wish it was because life has been boring but that would not be the case. I am of course busy as always running kids to tennis, basketball church and trying to rebuild my business, we are trying to sell one of the houses we own in hopes to bring some financial relief our way and then a couple of weeks ago I noticed twitches in my face, hands and feet again. Last week my head hurt and the twitches grew more and more frequent and Saturday by mid day I noticed that I had lost my sense of taste and my tongue felt strange. I said to my husband “It’s happening again” we were on our way to a basketball game but I called my doctor and asked for some prednisone. I woke in the middle of the night Saturday to find paralysis setting in on my right side. My face was drooping and the pains shooting from behind my ear down my right side were pretty fierce. Well today is Tuesday and I have no movement on the right side of my face and my right arm is weak, the pain shoots out from behind my ear and pulses rapidly down my extremities almost matching the sensations I have on my left side except the neuropathy on my left side feels almost more like your hand or foot when it falls asleep and is trying to wake up mixed with shooting nails being fired at random intervals. The pain I can tolerate I hate steroids, I hate the other meds they have me on and I hate the loss of taste. Now let’s think about this I can’t really taste so I am eating everything in sight trying to find something that taste really good. Isn’t that hysterical? I know it is not going to taste the same so why am I searching? The mind is a glorious thing isn’t it? Something else I guess I had forgotten from last time is this how many simple tasks we take for granted, talking for one but being able to pucker my lips for a kiss, brush my teeth, eat without drooling and most importantly smile. I remember last time I was the happiest I had been in a really long time but I couldn’t smile and again I can’t smile at my kids well I can but it looks kind of scary instead of a happy smile. Talking well, I can be quiet for a while I will just write more but smiling I like to smile so in all this my thoughts for you today are don’t hesitate to smile at those you love or even strangers you never know when you might not be able to smile again. A lady smiled and waved at me as we were driving home from the doctor earlier and when I tried to smile back she look in shock and I thought she has no idea, she probably thinks I am one of those road rage people or something, her smile was so noticeable to me because why, because I couldn’t do it myself, something I take for granted and I have lost the ability before but I forgot in just 3 short years how much it means to be able to smile. So Smile my friends! God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Traci,

    I am so sorry to hear this has returned. If you need anything please feel free to call me.

    - Leslie
