Sunday, September 13, 2009

Often there is nothing more painful then actually letting something or someone go, I can' deny that it is a pain I would prefer not to endure but it is part of life. If handled the right way we can experience great growth. I often can be heard saying "Pain is just God getting us where we need to be" I guess I believe that if I was focused on him I wouldnt have the pain because my pain usually is self inflicted and I have to go through all kinds of ups and downs just so he can get me out of the mess I made.

Pain isnt fun but it sure can set us free. I am not completely sure when the freedom comes because sometimes it feels like if the pain lingers too long. I always want to change my course and return to what I want so maybe that is why the pain lingers. I do know that one of the greatest quotes I have heard in my years was made on a Wed night at Church by our Senior High pastor Brett he siad "Ultimate freedom comes under God's authority". So I will be free when I ultimately surrender? Well, I guess its time to get to the freedom and fly like bird released from her cage soaring high above all these earthly bound things..." You might have guessed that was from a song called spirit wings.

Let Freedom Ring! The battle has already been won it is simply up to us to accept the honor and prize of eternal life!

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